
Somalia farmers get Sh3.2 billion boost for fight against food insecurity

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The TRANSFORM project has seen Somalia receive Sh3.2 billion in funding to rehabilitate the Jowhar Canal irrigation infrastructure which will be critical in promoting smart agriculture for smallholder farmers in the area.

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), in partnership with USAID, has signed an agreement to support Somali farmers in using their land more productively and sustainably.

The TRANSFORM project has seen Somalia receive $25 million (Sh3.2 billion) in funding to rehabilitate the Jowhar Canal irrigation infrastructure, which will be critical in promoting smart agriculture for smallholder farmers in the area. The cash will also be used for flood protection and reliable irrigation.

Making the announcement on Sunday, USAID Mission Director Sheri-Nouane Duncan-Jones noted that the money will help Somalis, especially the marginalised, fight food insecurity.

"I'm delighted to announce the U.S. government's investment in Somalia to rehabilitate the Jowhar Canal irrigation infrastructure. This commitment marks a significant step towards achieving food security and flood protection for marginalised Middle and Lower Shabelle communities."

Duncan-Jones said these efforts were part of plans to help restore the lost glory of the Jowhar Canal, which was destroyed during the civil war.

Through sustainable agriculture and resilient infrastructure, she said, the once vital lifeline for Somalia's agricultural self-sufficiency will be restored.

"Today, we embark on a journey to restore its former glory, ensuring that Somalia can once again thrive through sustainable agriculture and resilient infrastructure. Together, we will foster a brighter future for all Somalis."

Somali FAO representative Etienne Peterschmitt welcomed the USAID partnership, saying, "This collaborative model not only enhances the effectiveness of individual initiatives but also builds a sense of shared responsibility and collective action for the transformation of Somalia's food system."

He added, "It ensures that the interventions are well-coordinated and sustainable, addressing the multifaceted challenges faced by vulnerable communities in Somalia."

TRANSFORM is a key component of the broader multi-partner Jowhar Offstream Storage Programme (JOSP), which was launched on June 6, 2024, to improve food security in Somalia.

The British Embassy in Mogadishu, the United Nations Peacebuilding Fund (UNPBF), and the planned contribution from the Somalia Joint Fund (SJF) will bring the additional investment needed to provide more resources for the initiative.

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